Recommended Reading for Nature connection

Below is a list of books in several categories related to nature connection that Cultured Forest recommends reading in partnership with Our recommendations include non-fiction to educate yourself on how to better connect to nature and fiction writing to help you find an outdoor escape. Categories include books about forest bathing, nature connection, nature science, mindfulness, hiking, nature-based fiction and trauma recovery. If there is anything you would recommend please add it to the comments.

We recommend the following books an an introduction to Shinrin-Yoku or “Forest Bathing”:

The following non-fiction books discuss theories and science behind connecting with trees and nature:

The following books discuss the practices of Mindfulness and Meditation in nature for healing:

These books address body awareness and mindfulness as tools for recovering from trauma:

Books both fiction and non-fiction in which you will become intimately more acquainted with trees:

Try some adolescent adventure fiction to inspire your outdoor spirit:

These hiking memoirs will make you feel like you are on the trail: