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Introduction to Forest Therapy Training with Cultured Forest

Join Cultured Forest for an Introduction to the Practice of Forest Therapy Training. This session will be led by the company's founder Brooke Mellen, who has been featured by The Today Show, WSJ and Vogue. We will go through the history and science behind Forest Therapy or "Forest Bathing" and talk about recent trends in the industry. We will discuss activities you can incorporate into your practice or outdoor business, while enjoying nature-centered guided meditation.

We will discuss further training and coaching options available to you that focus not just on the practice of Nature Therapy, but also how to build your business and following. This session will help you decide if being a Forest Therapy Guide is right for you. Topics will include Shinrin-Yoku, Mindfulness, Nature Connection and Meditation.

Ideal participants include park and preserve employees, therapists, museum docents, outdoor educators, yoga instructors, HR representatives and anyone who wants to enhance their personal practice.

This event is held August 24th at 8:30 PM EST and is offered with compliments.